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Northern Alternative

The Tour

This is the alternative ride if the West Coast is wet, don't doubt it this is a great ride, back roads across the North of the State to Scottsdale for lunch. We head for Launceston through the Sidling then more back roads which includes a mountain pass called Paradise to get to Devonport and finish the ride. 


$195.00 includes breakfast & lunch  -  pillion an additional $65.00

Accommodation can be arranged at an additional cost and recommendations for dinner venues  in the Devonport and surrounding areas will be supplied.


Upon starting point from the Spirit of Tasmania terminal your tour guides will meet you and assist you to one of our favourie local breakfast venues which may include Laneway Cafe, Bellas Pizza Cafe or Anvers Chocolate Factory (yes that’s right, Breakfast at a Chocolate Factory!). This is your first point of the tour and located halfway between Devonport and Latrobe. Anvers is well known for local Tasmanian produce from the food right up to the plate and hot chocolate cup you drink from giving you your first fully Tasmanian experience. Lunch will be be in the small tourist town of Scottsdale.


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  • Tassie has some awesome roads for riding loved every bit of it!

    Glen - Melbourne

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